
Microsoft .NET Framework represents a major step forward for Microsoft developers, encompassing many of the object-oriented design disciplines and managed code innovations that have become popular in business application development over the last decade

Franqlin Tech Systems has established a special Microsoft .NET competency center to embrace forthcoming trends in Microsoft technologies, ensure early adoption, spread knowledge and promote best practices with Microsoft technologies. Microsoft .NET Offshore Competency Center leverages this expertise to enable rapid, error free application development to solve specific business problem.

Franqlin Tech Systems’s Microsoft .NET Competency Center is staffed by trained Microsoft Certified professionals with applications development experience, knowledge and development skills in Microsoft .NET development environments. Franqlin Tech Systems has invested in training resources and developing best practices for application development using Microsoft’s .NET architecture. Currently the center focuses on developing and enhancing custom application using the Microsoft .NET environment. Franqlin Tech Systems has also designed and developed reusable frameworks for high volume transactions, user management, user controls and authentication, data management, multi-channel presentation management as levers like web services, .NET remoting and .NET compact framework on small devices to deliver inordinate business value for customers. This means our clients experience faster time to market while maintaining technological advantage.